Saturday, September 15, 2012

Team JD Wristbands

Team JD Kids glow-in-the-dark awareness wristbands are in....
 We didn't get a chance back in August to do any fundraising for any one cause that we believe in so much! With these wristbands we hope to be able to do that now!

As most of you know we are trying to raise money for JD a new handicapped van. What better way to raise a little money towards his van fund then with awareness wristbands! But, we wanted to share this fundraiser with the other SMA kiddos as well. So we thought of MJ over at B4SMA ~ Blankets for SMA Kids. BECAUSE she has done so much for JD and for so many others, but when I approached MJ with this idea she suggested something a little different. MJ, being who she is and the heart that she has, wanted to forward these funds to Marshall's Miles in honor of B4SMA. How wonderful is she....Always thinking of others! You amaze me MJ! I am so honored to have you as my friend!   MJ's wish is my command!

Get your Team JD Kids glow-in-the-dark wristband now!
(while supplies last)
 Wristbands are available for a $5.00 donation/each.
$2.00 from each wristband will be donated to Marshall's Miles,
$2.00 from each wristband will be donated to JD's Van Fund and
$1.00 will be donated to MJ over at B4SMA.

You can use the PayPal link below or please message us if you would like to have a Team JD Kids wristband. We need your shipping address, so if you choose to use the PayPal link below please make sure you still message me or JD with your shipping address :

If you would like to just donate to Marshall's Miles, or to MJ at B4SMA Kids or to JD's van fund, please see information below.

Again, we thank you for your support!
....keep dancing!!!!

JD and Rhonda

more information on each organization....

Marshall's Miles is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to help find a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy and provide assistance to its victims and their families. Donations will be used to help fund necessary medical equipment and accessibility options to families who have been denied coverage by their health care insurance. A portion of our donations will be directed to supporting research so a cure can be found for this devastating condition. We support the efforts of other SMA organizations whenever possible and will work with them in fulfilling requests from families. We pride ourselves on improving the quality of life for people who are affected by SMA. Please visit their website to learn more! 
To make a donation, please mail your check to: 
Marshall's Miles
c/o Southbridge Savings Bank
86 Worcester Road,
Webster, MA 01570

B4SMA is an organization devoted to sending blanket hugs to children (under 21) with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, also known as SMA, from around the world. Please visit their website to learn more!
 Did you know that B4SMA has sent out over 1000 blanket hugs, worldwide in 8 years! Thank you MJ for all the hard work you do....YOU are TRULY Our "QUEEN of SMA". We Love you!
 MJ and Brenda would gladly accept any donations to help give blanket hugs to more kids.They accept the following types of kid friendly fabric:
Fleece, flannel, cotton prints, and finished blankets (crocheted, knitted, tied, and quilted)They also accept small, clean, stuffed animals and monetary donations. Monetary donation checks or money orders should be made out to MJ Purk with B4SMA in the memo line. (Please note that, as of right now, B4SMA is not a 501(c) 3 organization) You can also support B4SMA by shopping at their store -
Contact B4SMA for information on how YOU can help SMA kids receive a blanket hug.

MJ is also the creator of B4SMA~Leg Blankets. Leg blankets start at $20.00/each. so don't forget to get over to her websites and check out all the work she has been doing for our kids and the SMA community. 

To make a donation to JD's Van Fund, Please contact us.